For puppies aged between 12 & 24 weeks.
The earlier you can bring your puppy into see us, the better. The first session is free! This is for you to bring your puppy in to see us and say hi, have a play in the salon and some tasty natural treats. It is important that you get your puppy used to being groomed from a young age and introduce it to them gradually. If you leave it too late and jump in at the deep end, your puppy will find it very stressful and it may ruin their experience of the groomers forever!
Over the next 4 sessions we'll build up the process at your puppy pace; introducing things like the dryer, bath, scissors, combs and table each time.
In the second session, we'll gently place your puppy on the table and hand feed them yummy treats to build up a postive relation with them standing on the table. They'll be brushed and combed calmy whilst still feeding them treats. We'll put them in the bath (with no water) and hand feed treats and we'll also bring the low-velocity dryer over and turn it on. It won't be aimed at your puppy but it will help them get used to the noise. We'll adopt this strategy to intoduce other appliences/items. This session will be kept short and sweet at around 15 minutes. We won't overwhelm your puppy.
In the third session, we will bath your puppy using only the gentlest of shampoo's. We'll place some cream cheese on the side of the bath to keep them occupied whilst we're doing this. Your puppy will then be blow-dried on a low setting and low heat. A happy hoodie will be placed over their ears to muffle the noise. They'll then be brushed and combed through before finally trimming around their eyes and bottom. We'll save the nails for the next session. If your puppy is really young, we won't spritz them with any fragrance as this may irritate their skin. At the end of the session we'll play with your puppy to make it a positive experience for them overall.
In the final session, we'll give your puppy their first ever full groom; nails and all! They'll look so grown-up!